manga car tattoo
A custom manga car customization service.
About Benibara
My name is Rose, and I'm an artist based in Jersey City who specializes in manga-style car customization. I create custom-cut, custom-fit, custom-curated, easy-to-apply decals of your favorite manga, anime, and video game characters for your car, so you can drive down the street repping your faves in style.
I've received an outpouring of commissions as of late. As I've just started my own business for the first time, this has been a bit overwhelming! I'm waitlisting a lot of commissions so I can focus on creating good work! This means that I might not be able to get to your project for 1-2 months, but you can still leave a form and I'll contact you so you can secure your spot with a deposit. Thank you!
What I create
All decals are cut from industrial-grade permanent adhesive vinyl, and come in puzzle-like pieces for easy self-application. Though full-color work is not available, the intricate linework and expressive style of bold ink lines can be represented in any color you feel will compliment your car best. Black against white for a classic high-contrast look, elegant metallic goldwork, or even colorful holographic vinyl can be cut in the form of your image of choice.
If you like my quality of work and rates but aren't so much into manga-style decals, I'd be more than happy to discuss bringing other types of designs to life!
the design process
Whether you would like a specific image optimized for a small space like a back bumper, or for help conceptualizing a full-car design, I will be with you every step of the way during the creative process to make sure the final decal will look as good and last as long as it possibly can.
Depending on how much work is required, these prices may deviate from what is listed. Just like there are usually no flat-rate prices for tattoos, my rates depend highly on the complexity of your desired piece. However, I do find it important to offer what I consider to be the starting price for standardized pieces (all prices are in USD):
One-door decal..............................$75
Full sidepiece..............................$200
Full hoodpiece..............................$250
Full Car Set (hood, sides, back)............$600
Any smaller, custom-made decals............. $15 minimum
Preferably, payments can be completed through Paypal, Google Pay, or Venmo, and estimates will be discussed after mockups are presented.
Here are some series and imagery I'm passionate about and would especially love to make decals for! If you give me work from any of these things, I'll give you a 15% off discount (for decals over 75 dollars only.)
Harvest Moon/ Story of Seasons
Rune Factory
HiHi Puffy AmiYumi
Peach Girl
Paradise Kiss
Ace Attorney
Sengoku Basara
Oniisama e
Ukiyo-e prints (especially Bijin-ga!)
Sanrio Characters: Keroppi, Batsu-Maru, PomPom Purin
Smith-Waite Tarot
Macoto Takahashi
I reserve the right to deny any work, but some examples of work I definitely will not take are:
Pornographic material, especially depicting underage characters.Racist, transphobic, homophobic, generally hateful etc. imagery.Unsourced art from small artists that you do not have explicit permission to use. Asking for me to redraw and heavily edit images from established manga in order to optimize them for machine cutting is fine, but using fanart of said characters/ art from which the source material is not clear is a moral line I will not cross. If you do have explicit permission from an artist to use their work, I will be glad to produce text decals of their social media handles alongside your decals free of charge, which I recommend you use to represent the original artist out on the road!
Due to Covid-19 and a sudden boom in clients, this is now my full-time job!
I am also the only one working this full-time job, so please understand that I am the only one creating and curating mockups and final images, communicating with clients, optimizing cuts, handling materials, machine and hand-cutting decals and applying transfer paper, writing directions, and packing and shipping orders. This takes hours of time, and I would like for this to be respected and acknowledged. It is normal for a decal to take a few weeks of communication and planning before decals are cut and sent. I take into account my clients' budgets and experience applying decals, as well as the exact measurements of their vehicles, and try my absolute best to create designs that will be accessible enough that even clients with little money or experience will be able to make their cars look beautiful. Because so much effort goes into this process, please respect the fact that my prices may fluctuate to accommodate this, especially when many designs take a lot of extra care to optimize. I also ask for clients to please be patient when communicating with me, and trust that I am working on their orders in a timely manner. If I don't respond for a few days, it usually means I've been working on your decal and will not have further information for you until I'm finished with the current task at hand! Thank you for your understanding in advance.
Any questions left unanswered? Shoot me an email, and I'll be happy to answer!
For decals sent with PAPER transfer tape and multiple pieces.
For decals that are small enough to apply without water.